Happiness Unraveled

wc: 582

To her words, the stranger smiled. She could see him now, as the dying sun inched lower, lighting the man's golden fur like cleansing ethereal flame. His smile was made of sharp white diamond, and the healer's suspicious expression remained - Smiles meant little to her but the baring off teeth, be in friendship or no. However, he complied with her request, revealing palms empty but for the cupping of a sole scar, slashed like lightning across calloused flesh. The collie-woman found herself momentarily transfixed with the puckered line of flesh, her emerald eyes darting between it and the flinty gold of his own gaze.

He spoke. His words were gravel, deep baritone swell, bearing enough weight that the silence itself paused to listen. She knew from the husk of his words that the stranger was used to making himself heard. A man of presence, then? A man of status? Jade highlights flickered momentarily with interest within those transfixed forest-green orbs, the only sign that Alaine was relenting in her dominant stance. For what dominance had she here, in this no-mans land? The dagger in her hand glinted still, matching the cold and dangerous sheen of his teeth.

However, it was his second sentence that made her shift, lithe dancer's frame stiffening in a jolt of surprise, memory run ragged through her mind's eye. Of course, of course she had seen him before, although not in a body such as this. Then, he had been an avenging creature, with the fire of vengeance to light yellow-gold eyes, and demon blood on his tongue. Now, he was a two-leg, and as he melted forward from the shadows the Apothecary found herself giving swift appraisal. He had a lean, muscular build (A fighter? A lover?), covered in thick, unruly hair, tossed as hers was in the meandering breeze. A wolf? Not quite, for in that stance was a mixture of bloods, as in hers was a foreign oddity, a forest-nymph from another land. Another world, perhaps. It was indeed a surprise that such a slender frame could live and breath in such a harsh place, but Alaine was tougher than she initially appeared.

"You saved me." Perhaps there was gratitude in the lilting music of her voice, but it was hard to tell. Not a question, but a statement - Her lips remained poised in thought, emerald eyes measuring the male a moment more. Then, slowly, the dagger that pointed at his breast lowered, till the white dove of her hand was limp at the enticing curve of a feminine hip, the cold blade kept in palm but for now rendered useless. Not to be deceived - For in a moment, a split moment, she could hurl it anon and split atoms mere inches from his head.

Something about his voice, his stance, rekindled a whispering murmur within the chambers of her memory. Little known to Alaine, this man had been her savior on more than one occasion.

"... Who are you?" And how is it that I know those eyes? With elven grace, the woman returned to her seated position, not wishing yet to grace the man below with her direct presence. It was safer to remain up here, elevated above him by the cold bone of concrete, than to meet him eye to eye; not yet, did she dare such a feat. Something about him made the air tingle with danger. Her emerald eyes trekked the masculine lines of his face questioningly.

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