One Generation to Another
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Wc: 372~

At first, when Artemis began to wiggle on her own, her heart caught in her throat, hoping that the tiny puppy wouldn't tumble out the window the wrong way. But her niece was smart, and was caught in such a way that she'd be conscious of which way she tumbled. Now reassured, Ghita set to work, climbing the stairs in an agonizingly slow manner, where usually she'd be up in a flash. But now her knee was working against her, as if the window 'monster' had minions all it's own that preyed on old and young alike.

Frankly, she wasn't sure what her plan was; she just wanted to appear calm for her niece's sake. That's perfect, Artemis! Can you hear it laughing?" There was a small creaking of the window where the pup thrashed, where the window was stuck and trying to free itself. Watching the small tail thump around the room was amusing, or would've been funny if there hadn't been such a large drop down. Blinking steadily, she fit her hands underneath the window, on the right side of her niece, her entire weight on her good foot.

The count had worked; Ghita's strength hadn't been fully sapped yet. Watching the pup fly back into the room, an instant cool drip of relief seeped down the back of her neck. But strangely, an odd sense of accomplishment accompanied it, along with pride. Where her nieces, Cambria and Artemis, had needed her, she had been there - and even managed to be useful this time around.

Laughing along with the youngster, their voices bubbled through the room and created delicious harmonies of happiness, the aunt just happy to share this moment with Artemis. You're quite welcome, Artemis!" Following the young gaze, she sighed happily, shaking her head at the mess. However, concern quickly made itself known again as the broken glass scattered on the floor, and her walking stick safely on the other side of the mess. "Are you alright? You haven't been cut by the glass?" Her next thought was to pick her niece up and carry her over the dangerous shards, but she didn't know if Artemis needed a bit more help first, and was anxious to know.

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