M - omnipresent knife in my back
http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x242 ... bleive.png); background-color:#ffffff; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">
OOC: this is a crusty table that i revived homg. +5

It'd been a long while since he had touched his guitar, and he felt like a total jackass for not playing for such a long time. He'd waited until Marik took the two children outside to play to start playing his music, simply because he liked to be alone when he was playing his music. He hadn't been particularly alone for the past few days since he had been deemed a father and uncle to two nine month old giants that were from Germany. They actually weren't giants, they were just taller than their father and uncle. Sascha, Cotl's son had been the more distant of the two, preferring to take a bed in the room next door to Cotl, while Izaak found it necessary to claim Cotl's bed as the bed that they all would sleep in(because Cotl and Marik still shared a room and now adding Izaak would be a third body) and so Cotl had to deal with his stupid deranged family every night. It was stupid because he was weird about family, and two new family members showing up out of the blue was weird to him. None the less, the boys were here to stay and they did what they wanted he guessed. He'd made sure to keep his door closed and locked though, because he wasn't willing to deal with his brother or the kids just yet. His fingers would skillfully strum the guitar, going over complicated riffs like a pro still. This current tune was a warm up he did, where he would play up the strings and riffs. He could imagine the drumming along with the song he was playing. He would sit there for a good while just playing his guitar before his nares would take in a scent.

Female, Inferni. He didn't know the scent personally, and he was curious, so he had gotten up, put his guitar on it's stand on the other side of his room and then he moved towards his own door and he had unlocked the door and slowly opened the door. He would peek outside the door before he would walk out, seeing where there was a being that he could smell. He knew she had been close or her scent wouldn't have drifted so easily in his room with the door closed. Cotl looked to the right, and then the left, his eyes falling upon a woman and her curves, her hand making strokes and her eyes wandering from her lap, up to the picture that hung there on the wall. Cotl too, had drawn this picture at one point when he was going on a drawing spree, and it was nice to see that there was another artist in the midst of the Imaginifer. The man looked at the woman as he had slowly approached. He cleared his throat before he would speak, a habit of his that would be considered a tic of his. Ich knows ist horribles fur mich to interrupt ein drawing... he spoke, almost awkwardly, seeing as he never knew how to speak to another artist. Ich couldn'ts helps but notice dat you vere drawing die sames picture-FAT FUCKING BASTARD- I chose to draws avhile backs. the man spoke to the woman, a devious (this was the only smile he really knew how to smile) smile taking his lips as he looked at the hybrid, his cold bi-colored eyes on the woman and an interjection not failing to push it's way in his speech, just like always. Die name ist Cotl Ulrich, Imaginifer auf Inferni. the man spoke to the woman.


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