Disconnect the Dots

WC: 382 OOC: yay XD

She smiled at the young wolf, she hadn’t seen the forests in Dahlia but she believed her, she had been learning the layout of lands as she wandered and learned some of the borders of some and had enjoyed much time in the forests of the area. She liked looking around for any possible herbs she might be able to learn about. Although she hadn’t been to any near Dahlia the area was filled with many wooded places. Although the swamps were not as numerous. As she moved the horse slowly walked behind her, making little sound on the ground as they walked through the grasses.

Hopefully your family isn’t missing you too much.

She said, she knew Naryu was capable of taking care of herself now, for the most part, but angry pack members following her trail here, wouldn’t be so great for the wolf and her own pack. She just wanted to make sure that something like that wasn’t going to happen. The horse blew at Liliana for such a bad way at being subtle and shook her head. They weren’t too far from the stables and working fields although it was still a short ways from there. The walk was not so hilly, and there were no cliffs to worry about in this area, although she’d seen some in the forests that she had to be careful with. She moved along, trying to think of something else to say. This is why she was so bad at making friends. She could never find the proper thing to actually talk about.

Well… the swamp is mostly water, rather wet, and can be pretty dangerous in parts sadly, it can be pretty in its own way I suppose though.

She said finally, thinking about her first and so far only visit to the swampy area of Aniwaya. It wasn’t something she cared much for. She found it much more humid and with her fur, it wasn’t a good thing, and getting wet in the mucky water was not her idea of fun, maybe for other’s but not hers, she’d rather stay in the sea or a lake or something that she could clearly see enough to know it was actually water and not water mixed with plant and bug life.

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