Bright White Sunshine
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Daw, poor boy! D: And thanks for the thread; should we lock it up?
Wc: 378~

Nodding at his statement, the Italian fae was secretly relieved that he valued her advice. She didn't know much about Vigilante at all, let alone his past, and only knew that he was the Alpha - or King, of Cour Des Miracles. And she was a Lieutenant in her sister's pack, but just a Lieutenant. Ghita had never had to face some of the harder decisions a pack leader had to make, and frankly - she was glad of it. She didn't trust herself to be able to have the wisdom her sister possessed, and make the best decisions for the pack as a whole. Generally, the fae was narrow-sighted, and that wouldn't do for a pack leader.

The fae paid as much attention as she could to what Vigilante was revealing about his pack, not just because it was good for her - and Savina - to know about Cour des Miracles' current state of affairs, but she genuinely was interested in what he had to say. Perhaps this was some indication of the past, showing Ghita in a strange manner what had happened while she had left Crimson Dreams for the moment. Perhaps members of her pack, her siblings in particular, had reacted similarly?

"It was probably hard for Jacquez to leave Dauphine behind, although his logic can be questionable." The fae's tone of voice indicated the confusion she held for his decision - if Ghita herself were ever to leave Crimson Dreams, she'd at least tell Jazper and Savina & Ehno, but she would never be able to leave her own pups behind. Maybe it was a mother's bond? "Explanations have the annoying tendency to sometimes be things you'd wished you hadn't uncovered." Speaking from experience, of course, Ghita brought up her concern, knowing that she wouldn't mind not knowing certain things about her own past.

As Vigilante prepared to take his leave, Ghita returned his smile, slightly relieved that she wouldn't be quizzed on Crimson Dreams' history much longer, but sad to see him go. He'd seemed like an dignified companion, and she wouldn't mind speaking with him further in the future. "It was a pleasure to speak with you, Vigilante. If you ever find yourself in Crimson Dreams once more, seek me out."


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