We Bow to the Wind and Give Thanks
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2166/ghitattm9.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

XD Am not, you deserve it!
And if you don't want Ghita to ask about Mati - shoot me a pm and I'll be more than happy to change it! ^^

Wc: 336~

The elder fae was only now beginning to realize how badly her knee had reacted to the sudden expedition. The pain was probably only there because she hadn't been moving the leg lately, but that didn't help the Italian Aunt right now. Biting her lower lip to prevent a wince from making itself known to her chocolate-hued kin, the fae quickly brought up something to distract the pair, all the while taking her slender hand down to her knee to try and massage the muscles around it, to appease it's anger.

There was a part of Ghita that knew she didn't need to hide her injury from her niece - or anyone, for that matter, but that part was mostly silent, letting the aunt brood. Over time, it would become better, sure, but for now she wanted to seem as strong as possible for everyone - especially her niece, who would without a doubt become troubled if her aunt seemed affected by her injury. She had already shown that she felt as if it was her fault, and Ghita worked at repairing this mindset, but it was a tenuous balance, she felt, and she desperately hoped that Cambria wouldn't worry about her knee. She just wanted to be able to ignore it, to be honest.

She looked up at Cambria from time to time, the fae finally relaxing towards the end of what Cambria said, just before Mati's name surfaced. The injured fae was just about to ask about Cambria's cousin - was he a niece of nephew of hers she didn't know about? - before Cambria's head dipped, almost in shame. Concern immediately bubbled behind Ghita's compassionate turquoise eyes, and she looked to her niece for an explanation. "E 'qualcosa che non va, caro? Hai Mati e hanno una lotta?"" The two seemed to be good friends - and Mati was a sweetheart from what Ghita knew about her, but that didn't mean that a squabble between good friends was out of the question.


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