crash tactics

Hello :3



It was a breezy afternoon. The warm wind rolled across the territory and buffeted against the red hued fur of the hybrid. He grunted, but did not wish he had worn clothes. All day he had held a hammer in his hands and all night he had dragged wood behind his tail. Spyridon was determined to have the boat finished in a couple days, but the area was still knew for him. With pads ripped and sore from work, the male decided he should have a break for it was hard to hold anything now. The brown hands were wrapped in white fabric he had found and washed in the dresser of his room in the Manor. A red streak of blood stained them from the palm.

But the coy-wolf ignored the pain and continued his journey through the forest from the beach where he had been building. Determined to find a meal before he would return to his residence, Spyridon scented the air for prey scent. Many different smells came to him, most wolves and other odors that were unfamiliar to the familiar smells of the wilderness beyond Inferni. He had traveled to long and the memories were beginning to catch up to his slowing mind.

After being escorted around like a pup by his cousin, Silas, the black pelted luperci was ready to roam on his own. The border was coming up; he was sure for the forest was thinning dramatically. Primrose had already made herself comfortable in the new territory, accepting the change of staying in one place so her companion had left her. The decision unsettled the male but he knew she would be fine. The border was in sight now and using his mind’s eye, the hybrid sought out his trail back to the Manor. There would be more luck in prey on the way back. He stopped to rest, his back against a tree and his eyes trailing the expressionless skulls that cluttered like a wall of debris.

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