pick up every piece of the life we used to love
((I shall reply! Big Grin ))

Angel had made some good distance with gaining the Healer rank. Now it would only be to get the Apothecary rank to be that extra special. Either way she was quite proud with the work she had put through it to gain the rank. Happy with herself she had continued her studies of injuries and things from books she had salvaged, which she could not read but they did have pictures, and it was obvious that she held them dear for she kept them protected in a box high on a shelf and only went to them when she needed to study. So far, she had practiced surgeries and things when needed on injured animals, some of which she housed in her home till they were healed, and used the experience gained for possible emergencies when they arose. So far, none had come. Not yet. So knowing this she was quite alright with it. Now she had begun to practice her antivenin to see if any would work. She had tried it on rats and after a few unsuccessful tries, a way was found and several rats she tried the batch on soon showed that the antivenin had worked. Knowing this, she copied all of the batches she had and kept them safe.

It was soon that she would cross into the fields that held so many fireflies in the air in the night when the moon was high and Angel remembered this place well. Especially after the fire that had struck so long ago before returning here. It was one of her favorite places of all. Memories flooded her mind as she remembered one of the Phoenix family members had accepted her into the pack and this was the place they had crossed. That was ever so long ago. Years it seemed. Perhaps it was but it was hard to remember. She held her leather knap sack on her back as she watched the skies seeing that it was till too light out to even see any fire flies at all. Hours would have to pass for that and that was something Angel was interested in doing, but didn't have the intent. She would return later when the moon was out.

As Angel moved her head in the distance she had seen Geneva. A smile rose to her lips and then partially faded. She had seen her a time or two, but in her opinion she hadn't been... herself as of late. Not the way Angel remembered her anyway. As she approached she smiled to the woman and raised a hand to wave. "Afternoon Geneva!" she called out as she approached and soon came close. "How have you been?" she spoke, hinting softly that she had noticed her saddened moods at times when she would pass by her or see her in meetings and places. When she was like that Angel had kept to herself thinking it was not her place to know, but it was her place to care. And now seeing that she had the chance to speak to Geneva, she would.

((woo! had to post!))

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