a dangerous shortcut

Word Count :: 426 Delayed. D; Sorry! <3

The sable-shaded coyote had mostly healed from her encounter with Halo; the swelling of her face had disappeared weeks ago, leaving only a sore mess that certainly would have been shades of black, blue, and jaundiced yellow had she no fur to cover it. Fortunately, her fur was quite dark, and there was simply no way to see the skin beneath it—for all intents and purposes, Eris appeared healed. Her pride was the most injured thing about her, and a scorned thing like Eris was dangerous, indeed.

The little doll she had crafted was quite entertaining; she liked to poke and prod and stab at it with her claws and imagine Halo felt these tiny pinpricks, annoying little beads of pain that would grow stronger as Eris continued to torment the little doll. Maybe she would drive a knife right through it and pin it to her desk; Halo was certain to feel that one. As the shadow-colored coyote meandered about the border, searching for nothing in particular. Eris had not gotten much better at hunting since returning; no one in Inferni paid her any goddamn mind, and no one would teach her anything.

This annoyed the shadowy female almost as much as her mother's patience—she could not take care of herself, and thus she was dependent on these coyotes for her sustenance. Cotl had fed her the other day, and she was rather glad for that—Itzcitla could only bring down so much, and the cat had been rather anti-social as of late. The temperature was beginning to drop, just barely—most nights were still wickedly hot and humid, but there were some that held the cool breath of fall, warning of the coming winter. She would have to find something to keep the ocelot warm through the winter months; he simply was not intended for such cold weather, and unless she wanted to keep him inside at all times, he would freeze.

A strange scent caught the coyote-wolf's nose, and she pricked her ears forward, not recognizing this scent at all. Of course, her fellow Infernians' smells were all throughout this area—even so, none of them smelled particularly fresh. Was this an intruder? Eris started forward quickly, half-tracking the scent as she went. She was not so useless that she could not follow her nose, though she was susceptible to concealment tricks such as water or even perfume. Before long, a lone canine entered her vision. “Hey!” she yelled, having absolutely no idea as to what to do with an intruder.

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