Disconnect the Dots

WC: 361 (2 Points)

I have no problems, there’s the town hall, where visitors can sleep for the night. My hut might do well, I just don’t really have any extra bedding.

She said, she knew this would come up and it was better that it did now than later. They were coming up to a large field which was used as the pasture for the horses. Seeing it, Grace trotted up ahead of them, her tail held high. Liliana loved the sight of the flaxen maned chestnut. She couldn’t help think of how beautiful the horse really was.

Many of the wolves here have huts and lodge around the ceremonial fire, there are others who den on their own. I have a hut near the fire myself. I don’t mind the company of other dens close to me. I’ll show them to you once we get grace stabled.

She said, watching ahead. Grace was having a blast in the field trotting around, but keeping close to the two wolves. She wanted to be sure that Liliana was ok at all times. After all she was her protector. They came up to a huge field full of different crops that the pack planted in the spring. There were different rows of different type of foods. Much of it was hay, they didn’t eat it, but it was good for the horses and cow. Just beyond it was the stables, which was taken care of enough that it wasn’t going to fall right onto them if a tornado hit, but the paint had peeled and there were some things that probably could use repairing.

That there is the stables, it’s where the horses sleep, as well as our lone cow. I don’t suggest going near him though he’s a cranky old fellow.

Liliana said turning to Naryu, wanting to see her reaction. She knew it was nothing like what Dahlia had, but she was proud, it was very hard work to keep the crops weeded and growing, she played a part in making sure only that particular crop was in its spot. She was still learning and had accidently pulled one of the plants by mistake.

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