Stopping for a brief Respite

WC: 536 (5 Points) OOC: hopefully things are how I read them, if I got something wrong let me know (shaw’s been getting lots wrong cause she’s sickly lately XD)

Niro was a pitiful piece of wolf. He’d managed to keep the birds alive by asking people to help him feed them, or pull apart the meat that he’d gotten for his own dinner to give to them, but he hadn’t been to the stables since the accident, so he was worried about Tobias, he wondered if it would be wise just to let the bird free, and hope he stays around, all of Niro’s training had gone down the gutter when he was mauled. Stupid animal. He grumbled. His front paw was feeling much better than his back, well sort of, but he still couldn’t walk, and he would rather stay outside. Niro knew Marahute wanted to be out more too because she could fly now. Today was not an exceptional day. He had no company everyone was out doing their chores. He wished he could. He missed his traps his birds, watching them fly, training them. He groaned a wolf groan when he saw something in the distance. It was a form, a wolf form, but it seemed to stop, and rest. Niro picked up his head, held his ears up high, but he couldn’t see who it was from a far like this, he wanted to know who it was badly, and wanted to know if they were ok. He knew it was against Alaines orders, and it hurt like a son of a b… well you now but he had to, he got up on his two good paws and his front one which shot nothing but pain to his brain, but his curiosity really got the better of him, not to mention the worry. Marahute voiced her thoughts to Niro about what he was doing, but he neither understood nor cared about them as he passed through the gates to see the wolf. Soon he got the familiar wiff of a wolf he’d met, and mingled with that scent was his best friend. He knew exactly who it was and wondered if she’d been hurt. He walked as fast as he could, which … wasn’t very fast at all.

Are you alright Ruri?

He asked, then he saw the cat, which he’d yet to meet. Did the cat normally come with her, or was there something absolutely wrong with her. He did see she’d put on some weight and her belly was bulging a little, but the only thing that came to mind was she was just gaining a little weight. He knew little of pregnancy and puppies. Well he knew some stuff about puppies. Amaranth taught him about that. He stood in front of her now, trying not to cry himself from his poor toeless foot, the back one he held up high off the ground he wasn’t even going to try to use it. He’d been told the only thing he should do was crawl if he wanted to move anywhere… well it seemed the need for crawling was past him right now, just until he made sure she was ok. He couldn’t do anything in his wolf form but warn anyone if something really was wrong, but it was better than sitting and waiting for something to happen.

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