Hollow and Alone

      His growl rumbled in his chest, lips uncovering the long canines that were likely twice the size of the ones that lived with in the wolf’s mouth. He called only once, then grew quiet as he watched her. Round ears stood forward, listening to the breathing and the heart beat that came forth from the canine, filling the silence that had settled in the sleeping forest. He didn’t recognize this place, the lands around the two something he had never seen before. The time seemed to slow, the movements of the female wolf just as deliberate and measured and he felt his own turn of an ear, lowering of a lip just as slow.

She did not run, but came forward as if she needed to search for the danger that stood before her. Did she not know that he spared her life, that he was giving her the ability to breathe another day. No, she came forth and with the taken step the tiger made his own. If she was to fight him then he would match each blood drawing swipe with his own. He did not fear her, it was the pack that he feared. But, he could not find the part of him that wanted to finish what time had done. She was tall but her form thin, her coat ragged. A lone wolf was a dead one, he had learned in the last many years. They were lucky beasts for he was doomed to solitary, no one wanted him. No one.

His mouth opened, teeth gleaming in the moon’s cast and his new call was one just as threatening though quieter and less enthused. Leave He said, his voice cracking mid word and ragged from lack of use.

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