Disconnect the Dots

Graciously Liliana offered two different sleeping arrangements and Nayru smiled and bowed her head in silent thanks. Although the comfort of Liliana’s personal dwelling seemed inviting, Nayru thought sleeping without bedding in her lupus form, as she did at times in Dahlia de Mai, would feel strange if Liliana slept with bedding as an optime. There had been a saying she heard somewhere, her mother perhaps as a very small child, it pertained to a place called Rome. Nayru did not know where Rome was, but the sentiment was the same, do as those who live in the area do. "The town hall will be fine I’m sure. I don’t require any special accommodations or anything." And it would be interesting to see another building of Aniwaya, experience their culture as the outsider that she was. If that’s where they housed visitors than that was where she would be housed.

They came up to a field and Nayru at once spotted the barn, the paint flaking off in places but it stood tall. They had stables and barns in Dahlia de Mai, most however were falling into ruin, and none housed any livestock. The expansive fields of hay however were a foreign sight, they did not cultivate anything on a mass scale in Dahlia de Mai either. Conor grew some plants in a leftover greenhouse, Nayru knew this, but she had never seen it for herself. To grow, harvest and utilize plants seemed to interest many and Nayru against longed to learn how to do this for herself.

However she did not contemplate long, for Liliana spoke again and Nayru raised her head to the woman, a puzzled smile on her lips. "What is a cow?"


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