The birds and the BEES!
Haha, he’s still cute. Nayru is losing her cute.

Gideon startled at her voice and turned away from the tree. Nayru breathed a sigh of relief at this and slowly padded towards her friend, her heart lurching at his uncertain words, his dropping posture. The girl did not want him, or anyone else, to shrink from her yet perhaps that would be a sad reality with age and rank, and then later with the abilities she was to learn and use in life. When she spoke again there was no sharpness in her voice, only the gentle, soothing tones that were common place when she talked. "No, Gideon, I’m not mad." Her footsteps brought her to him then and to assure him of no hard feelings she buried her nose in the fur along his neck and shoulder, a friendly embrace that she so rarely showed towards anyone despite the warmth she felt for all Dahlians. "I just didn’t want you to touch that." And why should she get to decide what he touched or not?

Breaking off from Gideon she moved closer to the tree, cherry eyes peering up at the humming mass attached to it. "That’s a beehive, where all the bees live. They might sting you if you touch it." And there might be hundreds of them. The thought of so many of the creatures swarming her small friend made her turn away from it, pushing the image from her mind’s eye. "We should go play somewhere else, we don’t want to bother them." Her voice was high and hopeful, it was only a suggestion, she was no longer directing them. Again they were equals, Gideon and her, and Nayru hoped the boy had already forgotten her harsh tone from moments ago.


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