Life the bigger picture
WC: 454 (3 Points) OOC: he’s a pitiful piece of flesh XD and he's in his lupis form ^^

He was a stubborn wolf and his eagle seemed to voice her opinion on it. He didn’t care, he’d found that a little alcohol and some delusions from his freak hunt seemed to make him a little more headstrong, he didn’t care about the pain in his feet, he’d thought so little these days that he believed there was no pain, he of course couldn’t’ take the pain from his back leg away, but his front, well, the alcohol worked there as well as his thoughts. He decided he HAD to take a walk, that he HAD to go to his and Amaranth’s secret cave. He had to admit to himself that he though so little about her that he knew something was off… how long had it been since he’d seen her? He didn’t know why, but his odds were that he may see her there, but why? Was it because their last meeting was there? Where she’d met her cat? He wasn’t sure, but he knew he had an urge to make his way to the beach, to throw sand into the bandages that kept his sore amputated pinky from getting infected. Maybe there was something in there that was significant. He could feel the pain in his foot both front and back as he loped three legged towards the cave, he was panting, his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth, his green orbs keeping straight on their destination. He thought that if he kept his eyes on that dark, damp cave he’d make it there without a hitch. He was wrong. The second he put his front paw into the squishy, damp sand, he could feel the saltwater seep into his bandage, and then after a few more steps, he felt the pain, nothing but pain. The water had come in contact wit hhis missing toe, and now it felt like his paw was being eaten. He yelped in pain, and fell on the sand, he was going to make it, he thought. How did he look to anyone who’d pass by? He thought, as he got to his feet again, his back paw well above the sand, even though he had no fresh wound cuts, but he didn’t want to take anymore chances. He moved forward, and limped as fast as his crippled body could move into the cave, wehre he knew that only damp rock. Once he was there, he fell to the floor, not even knowing what he made such a stupid journey. He heard the flutter of the large eagle’s wings as she landed next to him. He could see her staring at him and he couldn’t help but smile at the concerned bird.

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