Peaceful minds

WC: 384 (3 Points) OOC: I still call niro a dork hehehe

He shrugged sheepishly when she teased him, giving her the well, it could happen to anyone eyes. Niro couldn’t help but beam with pride as she mentioned how big the eagle was getting. He couldn’t believe it eather, the eagle didn’t look like the chick hit had been only months before.

I know, I can’t believe it either. It’s all surreal to me honestly.

He admitted, he watched as Marahute, now with more confidence glided from the tree to the ground next to Anann. She tilted her head almost sideway’s, something that Niro always found so interesting. He didn’t know what she wanted, she barely even knew Anann. Shrugging at the training question he averted his eyes back at his friend.

It has been taking backwards steps, Tobias is challenging me, and Marahute and him aren’t getting along to well, but I can deal with all of it at least. So far though.

He said, he hated to admit such a qualm, but that was where things stood. Tobias didn’t listen to him as he had only a few weeks ago, now he was sort of listening. Doing only part of the training. Niro knew this was a challenge, saying that Niro didn’t have what it took to train the bird, but he would hold fast and do even more work to make things go the way he thought they should.

They have books on martial arts?!

He asked, looking at the book in her hands. He knew that martial arts was self defense, he’d learned that from his sister but wasn’t that like moving of the hands and feet, how could that all be explained in a book? Well, he knew just about everything had been written in books long ago. Orin had plenty of them to show for it, well use to. The thought of his sister made his fur rise. He was not happy with her, as he’d not seen her in a while. He made him think of something else.

What can a book say about martial arts?

He asked curiously. He liked books, not as much as his sister… there he went again thinking about his sister. He had to ruffle his own fur to stop, and didn’t think about what Anann would say to him for it.

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