teeth the size of piano keys

_____ Kansas found it strange how they shared the same eye color. A little creepy, too – it was like looking at an inverted picture of himself, only with the exact same eyes. His own were large at the moment, trying to understand his brother, fearing he’d be considered stupid if he didn’t get his act together soon and figure this out. He wanted to be loved by all his siblings, and he constantly feared that they’d reject him, whether consciously or not.

_____ The fact that he couldn't understand was really getting to him – it was, as he’d already established with himself, frustrating that Icarus couldn’t just tell him already – wouldn’t that be so much easier! He hung his head at his brother’s response, afraid that he would suddenly not want Kansas to go with him on the search for being so slow on this. But maybe Icarus didn’t even know what he was looking for! And that was the beauty of it. Suddenly, the cream boy understood, and, a little embarrassed, smiled toward his brother. “Oh, alwight. What d’you think we migh’ find? Um… that white stuffs?


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