bring only what you need to survive
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------This entire experience was proving to be quite fascinating for the hybrid. He and Gabriel had moved quickly back to his motley crew of coyotes and hybrids, a sense of urgency driving them both. Real estate was a funny thing like that; get it now, for in another hour you may have waited too long. It was easier to defend freshly claimed land than it was to conquer it. Already he had vowed not to leave Inferni's new stake of land for some time (after this initial trip, of course). The boundaries would have to be marked and they would need to make their presence known; perhaps a group howl might be in order later on in the evening?
------Once they found the lot of them, Anselm allowed himself to examine them freely. Some young, some young adults, some men, some women... they were over half a dozen strong, which was more than what could be said for many of the wolves scrambling about to organise themselves. It seemed as though Gabriel ran a tight ship and demanded loyalty and obedience. This was a very good thing, for Anselm knew he could never submit to the will of a weak-minded commander.
------He spoke to no one, and simply stayed at the front with Gabriel as he knew his way around best. In a short amount of time, they had made it back to the Waste. Good. They gathered about, and Anselm showed no hesitation in placing himself in the midst of their members. The golden eyed de le Poer made a final announcement to the group, and Anselm flicked an ear. Most of it did not apply to him--he already knew his way around the entire Batons et pierres region, as well as the city to the south. He also already had his own den. And so, for the time being, he merely sat in silence, awaiting further orders.


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