paint the past in shades of blue or money hues

Table & Coding © Anna; Sorry again hun, got fired and have just been out of it; 522 words

Gwen wasn't the only one that he dwarfed. He was taller than his father and uncle as well. That came from his mom's genes. The rest of his siblings were fairly tall as well, at least in comparison to their respective fathers. But the height difference was something that Izaak didn't really seem to even notice. Not when he had already bothered his own father for a piggy back ride. But that is just something that the child would be known to do. He didn't often think before acting. He lacked that sort of impulse control. As would be found out when he approached the female. The boy was was addled in the head. Everything didn't work together as it should. Not when he had a separate part of his mind that kept a secret from this half. But just take a look at his genetics. After all crazy people don't know that they are crazy.

Izaak looked confused as he was commanded not to touch. He didn't understand it. He was only trying to help. That really was the only thing on his mind at the current moment. "Aber du bist verletzt..." The boy spoke in a soft and meek voice. His hands were brought back to wrap around himself in a timid sort of fashion. The poor child looked on the verge of tears at the firmly spoken words. He was trying to look as pitiful as possible. Sometimes that would be enough to sway his mother's harsh hand when she got upset with him. He even went as far as to tuck his tail in between his legs and drop his head. Of course if it wasn't about to work then he was also ready to run if he had to. That was something that he was used to as well. He could sprint at a great speed though long distance running wasn't his thing. He never had to go very far because his mom wasn't one to really give chase. She just settled for the first one that she should catch, which usually turned out to be his brother/cousin.

Teeth chewed roughly on his lower lip, suddenly surprising himself with the taste of blood in his mouth. A couple of fingers reached up to touch his mouth. He looked even more confused when he pulled them away and found blood on his fingertips. A canine had pierced his lip without him fully realizing that he had been the one to do it. In that moment he lost his composure. He went from looking helpless to looking bewildered. He tongue licked at his lip and he tasted blood all over again as well as a slight stab of pain that caused him to whimper. With this new introduction to his senses he forgot all about the original reason that he was out this far. "Oww..." He found himself whimpering again. Even the mention of rabbits couldn't bring him back to that subject. It just showed how distracted that he could be by other things. And right now it was the pain in his lip and the blood in his mouth.

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