the resident sadness

:B +5

With this newfound admiration of her very own grandmother before her (and not just any grandmother from some unknown relative, but her direct grandmother from her father's side), there were some physical traits Talitha could point out that would mirror Gabriel's own features. Her singular golden eye flickered with the same tint of color that swirled in Gabriel's gaze, as well as the multitude of scars (of course Kaena outnumbered Gabriel in scars, but it seemed like physical markings were part of the Lykoi line). It was perhaps common for a Lykoi to bear such physical war markings, and it reminded her of her own gash slit across her collarbone, although that scar of hers did not have any significant pride attached to it whatsoever. There was something about Talitha's grandmother before her that bore the narrow muzzle of a German Shepherd, and underlying details that would in no doubt connect her to a Shepherd's genes, although it appeared she was also very mixed with other elements, just like Talitha was.

All of a sudden, it seemed like whatever worries that plagued the hybrid's mind disappeared temporarily in her astonishment of reconnecting with a blood relative. Once Kaena confirmed Talitha's enthrallment with a rugged laugh, all the hybrid could do was only continue to look on with a face that looked like she seen one of the seven wonders of the world. Apparently Gabriel already touched based with Kaena before, notifying her that there was a granddaughter to be met; as well as Talitha's brother too, to where her unusually large ears couldn't help but twitch and perk forward to hearing this. "My brother." Talitha first stated, feeling a dull stabbing blade of guilt thrust itself through her heart. There was a bond shared with Ezekiel that was by far untouchable to anyone else, and Talitha knew that it was her fault directly for him running off in order to find her. She couldn't even recall the last time her better half (as she would like to call him) was in her presence. "Is... Ezekiel still around here, somewhere?" For some reason she already knew the possibly disappointing answer to this question, but couldn't help to ask anyways.

With Gabriel warning his kin about the matriarch of the Lykoi line of Inferni, Talitha tilted her head and lightly grinned some. "Nothing but good things, mind you." Talitha didn't believe Gabriel would have the heart to make a negative remark about anyone who was considered family by blood. With her grandmother revealing her name as Kaena, it was a name that would undoubtedly be never forgotten. "Kaena." Talitha repeated, as if reminding herself that this would be a name frequently crossed by her lips from this point forward. Stating that Kaena and Talitha shared the last name, it only made the relation between them even more personal (despite how this was their first time face to face, Talitha felt like she already established some sort of deep connection). The hybrid nodded her head. "I figured we might have been related by surname too, judging from your tattoo. I have the same emblem on the front of my journal. See?" Holding up her journal, her fingers brushed over the Chaos Star emblem. After a couple of settling silent seconds, Talitha gazed back up to Kaena. "How many Lykois are there in Inferni?" To be the matriarch, she had to have known, after all.


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