M - omnipresent knife in my back


Talitha didn't think that she would cross paths with a self proclaimed artist, but seeing as how Cotl was skilled in the department of drawing and also the inking of tattoos, it made her quite thrilled to be able to hold a conversation with someone who shared common interests. Due to this recent discovery of common interest, the hybrid suddenly felt comfortable enough to open herself a little more toward him. In fact, within the company of another artist, it made her feel like herself, in which she had not felt like her true self in a long, long time. She was consistently plagued by the memories and events of the past, and they seemed to be a heavy shadow, or a roaring black hole within her, that would either suck her muse or her happiness dry into oblivion. For once, Talitha felt like there could be a connection made, presumably with Cotl and his skill of drawing and tattooing. This certainly didn't happen much with her, if even at all.

Cotl mentioned that of Kaena, and how truly skilled her work was. It gave Talitha even more of a mental reminder in order to seek her grandmother's presence out, and inquire about her aesthetics. Upon meeting her grandmother from her father's side she was already in allure of who Kaena was, and of course she was Talitha's key to the past and the present as far as the family bloodline went. Only discovering Kaena's skill for the arts wanted to make Talitha get right up and go look for her grandmother to inquire, but of course the hybrid couldn't be so rude as to simply depart from Cotl like that. Besides, it seemed to have brought him pleasure as a wicked smile spread along his muzzle, as Cotl was more than inclined to show her of his work that he actually created himself. With her crimson eyes roaming from tattoo to tattoo he introduced, the first one along his arm was quite impressive. "So you did that one yourself? You did the detailing right, perfect angles and everything. That's amazing." Now that was pretty impressive, and Talitha could only imagine how much time and patience Cotl took to do that one. Looking to the skull above his navel next, she was surprised to know it was an example of Kaena's art of tattooing. Giving it a longing stare, Talitha then nodded her head. "Excellent detailing on that as well. She's real good." She said, feeling a little pride swelling within her that her grandmother of all relatives could do some pretty sweet tattooing.

Cotl parted the fur along his thigh to show her what the true words meant, and Talitha couldn't help but give a little snicker to that one. "Ah, clever and classy, I must say." She commented, giving a light laugh, but of course was impressed to see how the letters were tattooed on as if someone else did the perfect lettering. It seems like the majority of Inferni knew about Cotl's tattooing already, and besides the obscene outburst that made her flinch back slightly, she confirmed she was in the presence of a renowned artist. A real artist. What was even better, was that Cotl did trades for tattoos and piercings, and also traded art. There was something like a bright idea that struck across her face, as she quickly closed her journal, and brushed her fingers over the Chaos Star emblem that was one the cover. "Well... I've always wanted to get this emblem tattooed, on my hip I think. My dad has this on his shoulder, and it's a family emblem. I've been wanting to get it, but haven't found an artist to get it from." Talitha said, giving a sigh, but then looking up with a hopeful gleam in her crimson eyes. "Until now." Said with a smile, as judging from the work upon his figure, Talitha confirmed that she would be fairly comfortable with Cotl tattooing the Chaos Star upon her hip, if he would be willing.


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