*noms your head*
WC: 385

Bris wasn't sure why she hadn't thought of it herself when the girl make the suggestion to move the bracelet. The older woman had thought of moving it, to be sure, but she hadn't really had a certain spot in mind when she'd suggested it. Seeing the bracelet adorning the piebald girl's ankle, Bris almost had the feeling that fate had guided her hand to make the jewelry just so in the first place. It fit so well it seemed it had been meant for her ankle all along. "That's perfect Nay! It looks gorgeous there!"

The white luperci couldn't help the enormous grin that graced her lips as she watched Nayru twirl about. "I'm almost jealous of how easily you found your balance already. It took me days to be comfortable after my first shift, and here you're ready to go dancing!" It never ceased to amaze Bris when anyone would show a natural aptitude for anything, be it shifting, or crafting, or anything else of a complicated nature. Then again, when Bris took the time to think about it, she supposed she was the same way when it came to making jewelry and reading. She seemed to have a knack for designing things just right together. When it came to reading, Bris found that once she'd learned the basics all that time ago, most of the rest seemed to flow naturally. She always carried around a rather large book full of word meanings with her in case she encountered something unfamiliar, but it was never enough of an obstacle that a foreign word would derail her.

Strangely enough, it seemed that Bris' young charge was on the same wavelength. The snowy woman tilted her head a bit in curiosity, the smile still not leaving her face. "Well, yes, actually. Kol taught me the foundations, and then I've sort of been building from there by just reading anything I can get my hands on. Why? Do you want to learn, too?" If her assumption was right, Bris would certainly have no qualms at all about teaching the young Nayru to read. It was a skill that the older wolf had found invaluable lately. Knowing how to read the texts left behind by the humans opened up so many more possibilities for all luperci kind.

Table by Marishka!
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