World Return

His brother, his big big brother, had always been something like a fairy tale to him and the other boys. When others listened to stories of ghosts, fairies and heroes and villains that had never truly been alive or so a lonnnnng time ago, Alder listened to stories about his brother. His big big brother. Someone who was alive and actually did all the great things that heroes did. Him and his horse. There was no such thing as adoption or s half brother or partial relation. They were as connected as Alder was with Oak and Cypress and Sissy and Momma. Blood or no blood. This was his brother.

It was all too much for the pup, overwhelming and the excitement making his tail wave and not stop even when he was unsure. The horse so easily gained his attention and Alder had the urge to get closer, but of course the command to stay on the porch was still so very solid in his mind. He wanted to prance around with the horse, to pretend like he did when he was alone and go to a place where he was something else. He looked back at Haven when he spoke, then back at the horse that was now named Drogon and laughed at his joke. The horse wasn’t young! He wasn’t a baby like Alder, he was too big!

His giggles lasted a moment or two, for he needed to pay deep attention to Haven as he spoke. Cobalt blue eyes became big, pupils round and large as they looked up at the orange male. Every little thing that Momma said were true, Alder believed everything that she told him. Always. But it always felt so fantastical and now that he said the words it made the truth so solid and real that he was more apt to believe that he had a Knight for a brother more then if someone told him the sky was blue.

Haven’s words were like a cool breeze passing over him, sending a chill down his spine and the fur on his back prickling and standing on edge. Still his tail waved and thumped against the porch. Alder took a moment to take it all in. After a minute or to the chill grew warm, his fur smoothing and eyes less wide in wonderment. He took a breath and with the exhale he released a Wowwwwww His eyes looking at the older male. He couldn’t think of much else, what was there to say any how?

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