A million words would not bring you back

WC: 347 OOC: poor ever

He could tell something was utterly wrong with her. She barely moved or acknowledged him when he came up, the big horse in front of him did though, he laid his ears back slightly, but didn’t show teeth. He learned from Heath that he had to show who was the boss, and just because he was injure and more than likely incapable of fighting he wasn’t going to put up with anything the horse had to give him.

Oh quiet I’m here to make sure she’s ok.

He said, his voice was harsh, but not angry. He knew the tones in his voice was all that mattered to the horses. He turned to Ever, she seemed to have been laying there for some time. What had caused her to do this to herself? He could see she had dry cracked lips, and looked around, outside was a small bucket with rain water in it… it was dirty, but well sometimes even he didn’t care if it was extremely clean, he moved to it and nosed it… it was harder work than he thought, but he was able to get the small bit or rainwater to her. He so wished he could change right now. He’d be able to give her water, no to mention comfort her in whatever was ailing her.

Please drink some? You look dry.

He said as Marahute flew over to see what the commotion was as well as to belatedly protect her wolf master. The same questions kept going through his head, but right now he knew he had to get her to drink something, and possibly find something for her to eat. He had nothing on him like he normally did, his belt was back in his room, he could wear it still, but it was bulky and he lay most of the time which the belt would make it all the more uncomfortable. Surely nothing as bad as he’d experienced happened to her? He looked her over, sniffing her but couldn’t find any very bad injuries, on the outside at least.

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