Woe of a wolf

WC: 329 (3 Points) OOC: hehe couldn’t help being me!

Niro was about to answer her questions but got little time to, and he was surprised at the strength she showed as she hoisted him up into her arms, he went stock still, afraid she might drop him. But she’d yet to drop anything of late, and she was not a clumbsy wolf, so he accounted it as his fault if he moved the wrong way. He knew how heavy he was and for a wolf of her size and frame it must have been hard. Protesting was not going to get him, he knew, and Orin was one really ambitious wolf when it came to things she thought she needed to do. He was confused further when she passed by their rooms and headed to one closer to the end of the hall. He was set on the bed, an unfamiliar one, and he had the look of an indignant wolf, his eyes half closed, his ears bent horizontally, and a very big frown on his face. Why did he need to be inside a room when he had plenty of space on the porch? He wasn’t about to argue with her though. And his mind was swept away as he heard the tune Orin was whistling.

Isn’t that what mom use to hum all the time?

He asked, he could hear familiarity in it, and it made him feel more peaceful as he watched her open the window and “tidy” up. She then turned to him and asked him about his teeth… why would his teeth hurt? But the mention of meat made his stomach growl.

Meat sounds rather delicious right now.

Niro said. He might as well make himself comfortable, he’ll eventually find a way back downstairs, he didn’t want to be this high up from the ground injured like this at all, the worry of the building catching fire and no one coming to get him as he struggled to get downstairs was rather daunting.

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