Short, but eh! 313

Ask and you shall receive. It was almost too easy and Nayru was suddenly very grateful for her place in Dahlia de Mai. Most of the adults were indulgent of the younger pups, but they were also ever ready to aid them in learning and growing. Nayru had never really taken advantage at a younger age, honing her skills of stalking and tracking by herself. She had been a silent child in their house, and she moved like a ghost through Dahlia de Mai, appearing only at night in the Victorian home, silently filling her room, disturbing no one. Still she could be nearly absent, yet a part of their daily lives, but she knew too she could choose to immerse herself in them. Soak them in as she had the first few weeks she had come to Dahlia de Mai. Eat up their energy and take all their could offer her ever expanding mind, body and spirit. This is what she intended to do.

“Yes, I wish to read.” It was a skill that was growing more common place, and one that would grant her more independence than she currently had. Now for any knowledge she relied on answering, or discovering at least, from others. If she could read written words than the nearly the whole realm of human knowledge was at her fingertips. And they could take that knowledge and apply it in their lives, their culture. The possibilities with that were nearly endless and it was not an opportunity she was willing to get away. Thankfully Bris made that easy, the warm woman offering exactly what she wanted. “Could we start now?” Time was nearly as precious as knowledge, or perhaps more so, and Nayru didn’t have any desire to make waste of that either. There were some things in life that the girl was learning were inexcusable if wasted.


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