The Green Mile... or one hundred miles
Found it. Thank you.

Almost instantly obeying his elder, not wanting much of a fight, he stood at his normal posture. His stout Secui body rested on unnaturally long legs. Grey tufts of fur rested between his toes--a claw was missing on the third toe and the soft pads had been hardened by months of walking on concrete and debris and glass. A prominent scar rested on his right shoulder, a thin white line standing in great contrast to his black pelt. His mouth parted as he spoke, revealing yellowed teeth, chipped in some spots from having to tear at cans and the occassional door.

My name is Michael Northman. My dame was Violet, my sire Derek. He was the son of two Arctic wolves kept in the zoo--Violet came from elsewhere.

The wolf spoke no more--useless information was sometimes untolerated. Ancient history, the lot of it. Useless. All that mattered was the here and now, the lack or abundance of food, the prospect or the disappointment of mates. That is what mattered to the male Luperci. His parents were dead, best to leave them that way. Michael continued to keep his ears at half-mast, even though the female seemed to be on more casual terms with him.

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