We Bow to the Wind and Give Thanks
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2166/ghitattm9.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Prideful Ghita is too proud for her own good. D<

Wc: 428~

Cambria had her aunt pegged exactly right. Yes, the timber-hued fae was in pain from her injury, but wild horses couldn't drag the truth beyond her ebony lips. Especially to Cambria. She knew that the chocolate-hued fae could easily feel guilty about her injury, but that was the last thing she wanted - anyone, her niece especially - to worry about her. Watching with orbs the hue of the heart of turquoise as her niece rose, the questions quickly died on her tongue as she reached where Ghita knew she stored her herbs.

Scowling slightly while the girl's back was turned, she could guess what her niece was up to, and prepared for a fight in the name of pride. Ghita didn't want anything to do with pain medications, against what her body was telling her. She was... stronger than that, deep inside, she knew. Clenching one fist with ivory fingers, then releasing it as the ebony claws began to dig into her pelt, she felt no resentment towards her niece, only that she was too caring. Well, too caring towards her aunt anyways.

Ghita knew full well what was inside that drink was something more than a simple refreshment, but said nothing. Like her mother and uncle, Cambria had been around the proud fae long enough to know how to deal with her in a roundabout way that would save her pride and be good for everyone. Taking the drink, she nodded, thanking her in English. "Thank you, caro." All the same, she gripped the glass in her hand for a few moments, studying the concoction before taking a heavy breath in, and drinking down a gulp or two. Perhaps it would be better for her in the long run, who knew.

And just how Cambria knew that Ghita would react best to not admitting the painkillers inside the drink, the older fae knew when her niece was lying to her. Face still creased with worry, she knew that there was something Cambria was hiding from her, but couldn't even begin to guess at it. Deciding to leave it be, the older fae took another swig of her drink, eyes still trained on her niece. "Voi sapete che si può parlare con me di niente, giusto?"" Ghita felt, no, she hoped that Cambria knew this truth, but couldn't be sure. And besides, reassurance was always good no matter what you were dealing with. Studying the young girl with her kindly but serious gaze, Ghita knew there was something more to what her niece was dealing with.


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