what is it when the clock just won't rewind?
http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa22 ... stable.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
ooc: apologies for the lateness. been transitioning into my first year of college. aaand short post is short.

Xeris could tell that the situation was troubling Geneva. She felt bad for her friend, having been through so much. But Geneva still seemed strong, or at least on the outside, and Xeris admired that quality in her. When the former subleader brought up her plans for going back to Jefferson's ranch house, Xeris smiled. "Of course," she replied. "I would be happy to look after him. Whatever you need." Surely Pendzez wouldn't mind, and the children would probably find at least some enjoyment in helping to look after the leader's son.

She cast her golden eyes back at the boy for a moment. In some ways, he reminded her of herself, questioning and curious. Xeris could only hope that Pripyat's curiosity would not get him into the sorts of trouble that she had gotten herself into. It would be horrible, she thought, for him to have to learn why his parents looked so different from first-hand experience. The white wolfess turned back to Geneva now. "It will be good to have you back closer to home," she said. There was something comforting in the idea that Geneva, Jefferson and Pripyat could make a little family.

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