M - Pull Me Closer to Love

lmao, billy idol on the radio, right this moment! "In the midnight hour she cried 'more, more, more'"

Another breath, another beat of her heart, another inch of her body felt beneath sensitive fingertips, and Mati could feel the warmth grow between them. It beckoned for more, called to her in its silence and the Church woman could not deny it what it asked for. Not for much longer. She let her breath fall on the other’s neck and face, giving her lungs that air they needed and taking in the scent she was so addicted to. Dark curved legs moved against her own, and she felt the electric chill that came with the contact. They asked for her too, and the mere thought of it made her want nothing more then to oblige. With another long breath she collected her control, though the hand on her back came back into her thoughts as it roamed downward and pressed against her flesh. Mati moved against the fingers, challenging their position and tempting them to move once again so she could feel the spark filled sensation that their trail left along her skin.

This was what she missed during the nights that they were apart. Mati wanted this always, to lavish the Marino fey with attention, to show how much she truly loved her. Their worlds would be one, their lives unable to remain separate. She didn’t believe it was possible anymore, for every thought that came to her had the name of this woman attached to it. Her mind always returned to Cambria, no matter how far she thought it had ventured. She woke to dawn’s filtering yellow hue and this was who she wondered of first, it was Cambria’s voice that she wanted to hear and the day didn’t begin until she did. And the day couldn’t end until they said their goodnights. Days and nights without her were things she didn’t wish to remember, motions to be forgotten for the anxiety of wondering and guessing was more painful then anything she could imagine.

At the call of her name Mati knew that she couldn’t be held back any longer. All the physical motions drew her in but the sound of her name rested along the sweet tones of her lover’s voice, now only a whisper and heavy with lust and wanting, pulled her further that it was impossible not to fall. Her hand ran along her thigh, so quickly that she couldn’t savor the soft skin or the familiar shape once again. Her fingers found themselves between their bodies and against female’s flat stomach, sinking through the fur so immediately that she was unable to take pleasure in the softness.

Then she stopped, bluntly while her eyes watched her face. Lips wanted to taste her neck again, to feel the pulse as it rose with the touch of her fingers. But she wanted to watch more. Slowly. Slowly she moved downward, feeling the temperature rise the further she traveled. She was ready, her heat burning and Mati felt now that every single inch of the other woman yearned for her. Gently and singly at first Mati explored her, violet eyes on her face.

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