misguided ghost
WC: 455 {3 points}

Layla was glad to see the coyote's heart and spirit returning to its former self (assuming that she was a kind one at heart). There was no doubt in her mind that the coyote was hungry, she could see it in Clover's face. As she took a bit out of her own piece, she set out all the leftovers she had. Moving her orbs back to the female, she smiled and shallowed her bit of meat. "You're welcome to help yourself to some more if you want it. I have plenty and I know for sure I won't be able to eat it all myself." Truth be told she could eat it all herself but that would just be selfish. It was better and more polite to share the food she had instead of keeping it all to herself. The mistress turned to her guest as she thanked her for the food. Layla gave back a simple nod before taking another bite of her meat. It was so good even if it was a bit old.

Layla's ears moved up as the coyote began to speak again of her current lifestyle. She figured she belonged to one of the nearby packs. No, she was a loner. Layla hated that part of her life when she was a loner. She was happy when she finally found her new home in Dahlia de Mai. She was happy to have a new family and other wolves she could talk to. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she turned her gaze back to Clover. "Ah a loner. I never really liked that life... it's way too lonely..." Her eyes wandered a bit before she heard the coyote's family was in a pack called Inferni. The mistress searched through her mind for names and the pack name. The name of the pack was a bit familar. She heard a rumor that Dahlia de Mai and Inferni were not on good terms. The mistress gently shook her head to the loner. "I'm sorry Clover but I've never heard of the Lykoi family and as for their pack... I heard a rumor that Inferni and Dahlia de Mai are not on good terms. I wish they weren't though. It seems like an interesting pack."

Spekaing of packs, what about Clover? Didn't she too feel the loneliness that comes along with that life? Layla was sure she did. If so then why didn't she join the rest of her family in Inferni? She had to find out. "Doesn't it ever feel lonely as a loner Clover? Why don't you join your family in Inferni? If not there why not join Dahlia de Mai? I'm sure Conor would welcome you to the pack."


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