Music Makes Good Medicine

I still have to talk to Alli, but yes I got your PM.
Milky blue gaze focused in Marika's direction as the Russian wolfess took a place beside her. They started walking, and the first words out of the Russo woman's lips left a twinge of sadness in Ruri's heart. No one should ever have to leave a pack because they were lonely. It was her job as both Daupine and lautari to make sure that everyone in the pack was happy, enjoying themselves. "I'm sorry for that, Marika. I'm sorry you felt lonely, because that means I'm not doing what I'm supposed to do for the pack. My job as the lautari means that I'm supposed to make everyone feel welcome, to lift their spirits if they feel down. I didn't do that for you Marika, and I'm sorry. No time to make up for past mistakes, like the present, though," she replied, trying to put a positive spin on her apology. She would make the effort to get to know Marika now. Perhaps she could convincee her to rejoin Cour des Miracles.

It was only natural that Marika should proceed with an inquiry about the goings on of the pack. Unfortunately, Ruri was still playing catch up after the time she had spent sequestered in her home, depressed at the departure of her best friend and former king of Cour des Miracles, Jacquez. However, from what she knew the only major occurrence she could think of was the recent pairing of Haven and Princess. "In truth, not a whole lot has happened outside the regular rhythm of pack life. I know of a couple who just decided to become mates, of our pack members got into a bit of a hunting accident, but I can't think of anything other than that. I'm sure Rurik misses, you though. I've yet to officially meet him, but from what I've heard of him and his dedication to his family, I would bet that he misses you. You know, Marika, if you want to visit him you're welcome to come and do so anytime you feel like," she offered as the two continued to walk down the beach, her plumed tail keeping a gentle rhythm as she walked.

There was a bit of silence between them for but a brief moment before Marika broached the subject of pups again, her voice still noticeably shaky at the utterance of that word. "Yes, I'm excited myself. I've never had a litter before, so it's also a bit unnerving. All of my friends have told me that they think I'd be a good mom, but I'm nervous. I guess it's natural to want to live up to your friends' expectations, especially when it comes to things like parenthood and what not. Have you had any experience with pups, Marika?" she asked the last question carefully, unsure as to whether she had pushed too far too quickly. It was a simple question, vague and relatively innocent in its wording. It was natural to think that a fairly young, female wolf would have had some experience with pups, at least in passing. Ruri only hoped that Marika's experiences were not something too painful. The Dauphine would feel awful if she were responsible for reawakening painful memories in the Russo woman.


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