Fun in the Moon

Rut ro, big baddie saluce

With a charming smile and a playful pinch at her side he grinned brightly at her little idea. Saluce had been brooding to much, call it being over protective, or obsessed over it was more the correct phrase. Surely though he would continue to do patrol, since it would be part of his duty to the pact as well as keeping an eye out for any trouble. But now he almost knew he would have to stop the madness. She had acted as if he was mad that he had caught her out, even though that would have never been the case, still it told him that he had been acting way to protective lately. Soon that firewood was ushered into his arm and then her silky form joined his other, quickly running him off to the spot she had planned. How funny it was that she had that effect on him, somehow he could never bring himself to be dominant over her. This had never been something that he had had any trouble with before but it was almost a pleasant thought, letting her take the lead. Saluce was obviously more than happy to follow her.

Layla’s grip and closeness to him tightened. Saluce looked down with a odd look on his face since fear was not something he felt often or something he really recognized. Fear had only stricken him lately after she had returned from the attack. Not fear for him but fear for her life. So as the tension gripped scent of hers flooded his nose, he wondered what it was that could have been causing such a reaction. Ears propped up on top of his head, swiveling around to listen for anything that would expose itself to the excellent hearing of a wolf. Nose searched the air, and eyes glinted in the fading light, senses on heightened alert. It wasn’t long before his nose caught a vague scent, dark, musky smelling of fish and berries. Certainly a bear, but the scent itself seemed old, maybe a couple of days to him. Still he remained alert as the passed through the trail. As they started to exit his form started to relax a bit, no other foreign intruders had been picked up as the couple continued their trek. A smile crept across his lips as they moved downward to kiss her muzzle. Almost to reaffirm her that he still loved her even with the scar.

Saluce didn’t smell the intruder, but as quickly as the kiss was placed on her lips, his ears perked up quickly, swiveling around to find the location of the sound. Becoming rigid, firewood dropped to his side as his form quickly enveloped her protectively until he was able to assess the situation. The behemoths face twisted into a snarl as those piercing blues of his spied what creature was disturbing them. Layla had been right to be afraid; the bear he had smelled earlier was behind them, looking curiously at the two. He hadn’t had too much experience with bears, cats, and other creatures yes, but bears, no. Saluce was used to being the biggest bad ass around so when the huge creature stalked towards them, eyes recognizing the hunger in its eyes, he instantly became the embodiment of madness. Strong arms ushered his mate behind him so he could face this great foe without fear of it looking on his smaller mistress with hunger. Maybe the rabbit she was carrying had brought him after them, but the thought of sharing what his love had caught with a brute didn’t appease him. No he rather didn’t like sharing all that damn much either.

A snarl erupted from his features, eyes cold and emotionless voids form bristling with a show of force. Hopefully such a showing of a capable foe to the bear would be enough that it would turn around and go back the way it came but it stayed curiously eyeing the wolf in front of him. Saluce didn’t have his weapons with him, and even now he almost cursed himself for it, would be much easier to stick a blade through the bear then claw it’s heart out. Then the beast reared up on its back to feet, and Saluce’s eyes went wide for the first time. Never had he had to raise his eyes or even head to look at a foe, and now as he stood there he felt a tingle of fear creep into him. Had he gotten to soft since he had settled down here? Was he in good enough shape to handle this? Would it be better to run? Or would it be much easier to just throw the rabbit meat at the bear and high tail it out of here. Defeat screamed the warrior in his mind; no he never backed down, never, not even to such a highly capable and impressive foe.

“Fine have it your way” he snarled as if the bear would understand, his form left Layla’s to what future he didn’t know, just that he hoped if things went sour she had the sense enough to run for her life.

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