I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale
Gah so short! WC: 454 {3 points}

Layla had taken it upon herself to make some patrols around the border like her mate Saluce. Since the now two bear attacks, she had become more aware of their presence and wanted to keep her pack mates safe. Maybe she was overdoing it like her mate but better safe than sorry. The mistress was at least proud that the second time she met the beast, she was able to help fight it off without the party getting too badly hurt. She felt proud of herself and now it was back to her duties. Her life was dull so she wanted to get out more and if patrols were something then why not do them.

Layla was still in her lupus form as she made her way back to her home. Turning her view to the castle in wolfville, she was curious as to what may be inside. Knowing though that her mate would expect her home soon, she figured she would stop back at home and inform the behemoth on what she was going to do. She crouched down and spirited home to inform him. Seeing as he wasn't home just yet, she would have to make a note and explain to him where she was going. Shifting forms, her body changed, she grew taller, and her hair grew back. She slinked over to the back room and grabbed a blank page from her herb notebook and began to write the note to her love. "Messieurs Mystérieux, I will only be out for a little while. I'm going to go check out the castle for a bit. Maybe if I get lucky I'l find a new outfit or something we cna have in the house. Je vous aime (I love you). Maîtresse sombre." Once the note was done, Layla raced upstairs to dress herself and then headed back outside. Her satchel around her shoulder and she was ready.

As the mistress approached the castle, it seemed as if someone had already come in. She shrugged off the idea, figuring whoever had come in had already left. searching through the castle, she found some unused cloth, perfect for her to use for another outfit. While her search continued, she caught onto the scent of someone. It wasn't foreign and in fact it was from her own pack. Carefully following the scent upstairs and to one of the quarters where she noticed a white wolf. It didn't take long for Layla to realize who she was. It was Bris, Gideon's aunt. This would be a great time to get to know her better. With a smile on her face, the mistress approached her. "Hello Bris. What brings you here this time of night?"


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