M - Pull Me Closer to Love

lulz! 500+

This bed would no longer be her's anymore. It would become someone else's, or no one's. There seemed to be many people coming and joining the pack, so an extra bed and room would surely be needed. Of course no such selfless thoughts were running through her mind. The good that it would do the pack as a whole was only a vague afterthought, barely focused upon. To Cambria, all that mattered was that she would no longer be alone at night. Ever since the first day and night she had spent in Mati's bed, whenever she returned to her own it felt cold and empty to her. Her arms and hands would reach out for the warmth and comfort of her lover to find nothing but a hollow space and she would curl up tightly on herself for the illusion of an embrace. Some might have thought it weak, or wrong to be so dependent on another, but there was nothing she could do to lessen the strength of her love. Her heart always desired to be around the Church woman, and now with Mati's request it had become a reality. A reality that felt more akin to a dream than anything else.

In fact all of this felt like a dream, and for a second she worried that it was. Some wonderful dream that she would be woken up from at any second to find herself actually alone in her room once more. But no, this was no dream. It was too vivid. The Marino had had very vivid dreams before, but her subconscious could not construct something so identical to reality. It was no phantom of her lover upon her now, but the woman herself. Every touch was real, every intake of breath brought her intoxicating scent. The feel of Mati's body moving against her own fingertips. No, this was real, for no dream could ever be this sublime. Only Mati herself could give Cambria this kind of hope and passion and lust. Her mind couldn't create that, only the other female could. It was a power that she held singularly.

After her voice had called forth things accelerated so quickly it was almost hard for her nerves to keep up with the now rapidly moving hand. The brush against her thigh made her skin shiver and her heart pounded against the cavity of her chest like a taut drum-head. Her lover's hand was then pressing against her stomach and her body became still with anticipation. Slowly Mati's hand roamed down her body and her muscles tensed, and impatient whine sounding from the girl's throat. Then the contact came in that divine place and she gasped, her eyes now wide open. It didn't matter how many times they did this, the first touch always came as a blissful shock. Her fingers grasped Mati's fur tightly, her hips arching into that exploring hand. Her breath was released in a low moan, her lids covering her eyes, blocking out that sense of sight to feel things more fully.

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