Rainbow Remedies


The swag of her flask felt burning but delightful, and eventually the side effects of such were destined to kick in a little more momentarily. Licking her lips again from her narrow, shepherd like muzzle, she decided then to put her container of drink away from the time being, since it didn't seem like the other woman would be willing to share some anytime soon. There was then something of a temporary awkwardness that Talitha felt between them, as if it was the hybrid was intruding upon the woman and her horse (although to Talitha, they didn't look like they were really doing anything except taking a stroll). Nevertheless, Talitha was blandly curious, even within the wolf woman who toted around something that could be able to feed off the entire tribe of Inferni for a good week or two.

It seemed like Talitha struck a delicate spot within the woman, for the facial features of the woman's face changed gradually, and began bleeding in more with whatever perturbed her in the first place. This time, though, it looked like something that was brushing on the surface of annoyance, a touch of disgust. She could see the narrow and the gleaming flicker of defense spark in her deep blue eyes that was such a contrast and opposite to Talitha's own fiery crimson, and while the woman stated that the horse lingered because he found something of company within her, it was apparent that she was a little irked. With absolutely no reaction except the twitch of the corner of her mouth, Talitha kept a neutral poker face to this, even after she noticed the subtle hints of disappointment. Well, it was somewhat of a serious question.

Twisting her lips slightly in thought then, her blood red gaze exchanged between that of the woman and of the horse. What made the horse, out of all creatures, want to linger around with a wolf, a predator, or all things in this world? Like previously said, she wouldn't ever begin to understand that relationship. There were some things in the world that didn't seem like they would be a good match for one another, and anything falling into predator and prey categories was one of them. Her throat muttered a soft hmm of itself, before her hand raised to comb back a chocolate-y strand of curled hair behind her shoulder, and then she folded her arms. "So does this stallion have a name then, or?" Talitha was mildly interested in this opposite relationship before her, mainly because of the initial bafflement that this horse was the one to decide to linger around instead of the woman dragging it along with her on her depressive journeys.


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