~My sCaRs never cease to BE

Sorry this took so long! D:

Wc: 549

"Etiam sit amet lacus sem, vitae dignissim massa."

Whereas the young, adolescent Kansas had struggled with his lack of religion, Ghita was simply fine without it. When things had gotten rough for her, she didn't turn towards an abstract form of comfort in an almighty source, one that could potentially cause all sorts of miracles to fix her life. No, Ghita turned to something she knew would work, to make her own way in the world. And at her worst, the drugs had entered, but had also swiftly exited.

And that was more or less who Ghita was. She didn't leave her life to the hands - or paws - of others. She didn't leave circumstance to fate, if she could help it - she made her own way, her own choices. Fiercely independent until the end, that was Ghita. Perhaps if the fae really thought about it, she might believe in another being, supreme to them all, who could be pulling the strings from miles away. But at this point in time, she had no desire for any enlightenment of that kind - and likely wouldn't want some for some time. She had her mate, her pups, her family... nothing else mattered.

And, for better or for worse, Kansas was part of that family. However, he came without the obligatory affection that blood relatives have - Kansas didn't need to like Ghita at all, there were no conditions, no bargains or petitions. Except for one ebony fae who meant the world to the ivory male - Savina, Ghita's sister. The Marino family had been through enough drama as of late, what with Naniko's actions and Ehno's responses - the family simply couldn't be pulled through civil war any longer.

Smiling at her sister's mate, Ghita nodded, the silver in her lips and ears flashing in the sunlight. "I am too - it's even better to have your family back after all this time." The timber fae was sure that Kansas had been informed, via Savina, of the family's history, where all three siblings had separated, and all had eventually made it back to Crimson Dreams. It could be seen as nothing short of miraculous, but for Ghita, it was an astounding coincidence - nothing more.

Listening to Kansas speak about Crimson Dreams' early days, the fae was fascinated to learn that Crimson Dreams hadn't always been a pack here. To Ghita, it was one of the recurring themes in her life, this pack, and to realize that the stable foundation wasn't as old as she'd thought it was... well, that was a little startling. "I didn't realize Crimson Dreams was so young." She said, looking into the forest almost as if she could see the history of this land unfolding before her very eyes.

Of course, what she was really looking at was the sun behind the trees, which had begun it's descent behind the horizon, tossing shadows that took on a life of their own, growing, grabbing, ensnaring the world in a little more darkness every minute. After a few moments, she spoke up, her mind almost somewhere else entirely once more. "I hadn't realized it's so late... we've been talking for quite some time, then." Ending her statement in a laugh, she turned to her companion, almost to seek his opinion on the matter.

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