Pearl Into Sooty Cinders

OOC here: Table & Coding © Jacoby;Hope you don't mind; 642 words

What was he doing? Running around the house and scavenging things from other rooms of the house. And why? Because he had nothing better to do. Because he wanted to. He found things of interest so he took them and brought them back to the room that he was sharing with his father and his Unky Cotl. No doubt his Uncle would end up being upset about all of the junk that Izaak was bringing in but that wasn't something that weighed on the child's mind right now. Actually he often forgot about how his uncle didn't like a mess in his room. At least until Cotl started fussing again. Then he would remember and would quickly end up forgetting again the next time something else caught his attention and interested him. It really was quite the vicious cycle. Something that would have to be learned to lived with since it didn't seem as if the boy was able to change his ways. Not with the way that his focus shifted and flitted from one thing to another. He lacked capacity in his attention span. At least if it wasn't something that interested. Now if it was something of interest then he could certainly focus for longer periods of time, at least until the next interesting things came along.

The boy was traipsing around on the second floor since that was where the room he was staying in was what. It was just easier that way. So far he had a hairbrush, toothbrush and toilet mints to drop off into the room. It wasn't much but he wasn't done searching yet. No, he was just dropping off the few items that he had and depositing them on the bed before leaving the room and going downstairs to check for more stuff to bring up. He found his way into the kitchen and searched through the cabinets. He ended up finding a colander and placing it on his head like a hat. And in the drawer above the cabinet was a rubber spatula for him to chew on. And that is what he did. He pulled it from the drawer and put it in his mouth and started chewing on it. In another cabinet was a large pot. He took that out as well and tossed in a couple of towels with chicken designs on them and tossed them in the pot to take with him. Then there was a corkscrew that he found and dropped into the pot. And some tongs too, as well as a stopper for the sink. He had no idea what any of these were but found them to be interesting looking. Just like the pop up turkey thermometer. Next were dropped in a wire whisk, beater, and giant hook mixer attachments. Then there were the wooden mashers and meat tenderizers as well as the giant fork and spoons too. And just as he was about to leave the kitchen, all of the cabinets and drawers left open, something shiny caught his attention. He picked up the gold mortar and pestle that was shaped like a chalice and put it into the pot as well.

His next stop was the bathroom, just because it was the next closest room, and he found some old tampons and pads to chuck into the pot as well as birth control pills and condoms. A toilet brush and toilet paper was added to his collection as well. The rubber duck was snatched up too. His scavenging was paused when he heard the front door open and peeked his head out of the bathroom to see who it was. Mostly he was checking for his uncle. Finding he wasn't him he just smiled and waved at the female. "Hallo." He called out the words after removing the spatula form his mouth. "Wollen helfen?"

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