Bringing Home Blitzen

3+ Table by Sie

When the man before her startled at her appearance, the hybrid took a step back to offer more room for personal comfort, but kept her crimson gaze ahead upon the white figure that captivated the both of them into seeking what it was. Usually, anything that looked like a juvenile with hooves was always coined as a doe to Talitha; she didn't know the specific names for juvenile reindeer, moose, caribou, none of that, just because to the hybrid, it was all considered the same, and at the end of the day, it would all end up as a nice, relished meal in her stomach. However, she was unaware of why this Cotl look alike wanted the prey in the first place, and not for the sake of eating it either.

There was a string of German that was spoken, to which of course Talitha couldn't translate, and only twisted her head to the side in thoughtful confusion. Apparently he wanted desperate possession of the little albino doe like creature, voicing his concerns about it in a more heavily accented English, and soon approaching close to it, to where of course the albino baby didn't want anything to do with the German speaking man and even the hybrid herself. It didn't sound like he was planning to butcher it and salvage the meat for himself or Inferni, and Talitha personally couldn't imagine what in the world he would even want to do with it other than have it for dinner (it was like that woman she met not too long ago with the horse, and the horse was big enough to feed the entire tribe of Inferni for two weeks!) Watching as the albino veered farther away the more that he approached, it was in her instinct to instantly break forward in order to chase it down and capture it, but then again, she had to restrain. Contemplating about this, she took a step forward toward him.

"Wait." Talitha said, almost in a gentle command. She didn't want him to go forward too much to where it would make it harder for him to get at the albino or lose track of it. "We can go about this another way. How about I help you, if you want me to?" The hybrid suggested, keeping her tone low and also her blood red gaze upon the albino baby still. She was the one who came upon him and the baby, and didn't want to seem like she was gung ho on intruding upon his personal business. "I can help you catch it. We can strategize. Ambush it from two sides. It'll be much easier." Talitha said, trying to keep her voice low and calm so it wouldn't jolt the albino any further than it already was.

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