M - The second hand unwinds.

Lol, I had an allergic reaction to a spider bite while writing this, then tried to pick up where I left off. Sorry if it doesn't exactly make sense x-x

The young canine continued to tremble, even with the warmth of her own crimson coating her body. She had been so close to resting. It seemed like hours were passing; with the sound of her heart beat pounding in her ears plus the darkness that clouded her vision, she was almost blind and deaf. She wondered if she was dead, if this was what the end was like. She felt as if she could be going insane, as if the maker himself were teasing her with the thought of an exit out of this place. "What is life?" She pondered, being numb like this made her wonder if the game of existence she had been playing was even real. "Just an illusion." She was fumbling through darkness, fighting for one last chance to breath again.

She was halfway sure she could still feel that rush she had once felt when dashing through a meadow. Or even the beautiful sound of her companion calling out to her. "Companion?" The word echoed through her mind as she tried to think of what meaning that word had once had too her. She could not tell if it was a false memory, something she just wished she could believe in. "Too wish," Those words tugged up another memory from her jumbled mind, "Brother," But that word only fit along with one other, "Betrayal." Putting them together formed an emotion, one that made her heart hurt. Reality was calling to her, as long as she felt emotions, she was not done. Something of a growl pulled her closer to consciousness, followed by many other sounds of anguish. Someone was in pain. "Hurting." She wanted to help them. So why couldn't she make herself move? Her limbs were unresponsive to her commands. The smell of death hung in the air, but it was not her own. Her lids fluttered, the whites of her eyes now baring her different coloured irides. They searched for the animal that had attacked her, that she had LET attack her. She lifted her head ever so slightly to search for him, she saw the body, but to her astonishment, it held no energy.

Tearing her eyes away from the dead body of the mountain lion took effort, but she knew it was no use to admire something that held no life. "You... Killed him?" Her eyes drifted to the animal above her, thinking of the death of the feline made her heart feel more pain then her injuries had . "Oh maker.." She whispered, choking on her words as the taste of her red body fluids seeped into her mouth. "I- I killed him?" She started up shaking again as she said the last words. Voices inside her head whispered harshly to her, forcing her to accept the truth. "You should of ran. He was so beautiful.. But you were weak, reckless.. Always putting others in danger." The wetness that had been building in her eyes spilled over her cheeks, mixing with the blood on her face. "I'm so sorry.." She didn't know quite who she was apoligizing too, but part of her knew she should apoligize to the wolf who had saved her. She felt like a failure, as if she had disappointed not only those who were around her, but her mother who was watching as well. "She watched.." Her eyes deceived her, projecting images of the woman who had created her standing near the cougar.

She couldn't bring the words of the male to register with her. She knew what they meant, but didn't see how he could offer such a thing. He had already saved her life, which she now owed him. But he had also killed that beautiful beast. She couldn't be angry with him, it was very likely that he didn't only do it for her sake. She was near a pack's lands, she could remember that much. "Or maybe he felt bad for me.. I would feel bad for me too." Obviously, the male did not know that the pain reached so much farther then her physical wounds, but it was natural for many of people to want to assist others in need. She couldn't tell how large he was, or what form he was in, if he even had luperci, but she did guess that he was bigger then her. "I saw him, you know. Being so close to death isn't as bad as they say.. Not knowing what comes next it what hurts." No denying she probably sounded insane, but it didn't matter. "He was going to just play with me.. Then he was going to hide my body.. Probably so he could come back later-" She hesitated before going on, "I let him hurt me.. Was that bad?" Her words were rushed with both worry and fear, "Did he hurt you too? I don't want to die.. I didn't want to die..." Talking seemed to distract her from some of the pain, though it was not very good for her already battered body. "I'm sorry, I really do want help." It still seemed selfish of her to ask for favors from a stranger, but she wanted to believe she would find some thing worth living for sooner or later. Laying on her side was uncomfortable, but as she tried to change positions she quickly became frustrated. She was almost absolutely sure that it had not went after her legs, but the wound on her stomach could be causing problems. "Do we have to move?" She asked, afraid that she couldn't really walk at the moment.

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Table by Meghann.


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