Pearl Into Sooty Cinders

OOC here: Table & Coding © Jacoby; I feel sorry for Heidi having to deal with him; 667 words

Honestly, such was how he would greet anyone. He didn't have any sort of reservations. With the way that his mother was the child was entirely used to strangers coming and going all the time. He was never taught that whole stranger danger thing. Rather he tended to greet everyone warmly. Most times in an eager fashion, as if they were long lost friends. And granted German was his prevalent tongue. He was only starting to notice that not many spoke German here but stuck to English instead. Still that didn't mean that he couldn't try. There really was nothing like conversing in one's own native tongue. And she seemed to understand it even if she didn't speak it. She had responded to and answered his posed question. Seeing as he wasn't ignored only generated in his mind that she knew just what he was saying. So far it had seemed that only his family spoke German but now there was this girl that he could converse with as well.Of course this thought only served to excite him more and set his tail to wagging.

He had no idea what the things in the pot were used for. He had just found them to look interesting and so he had placed them in the pot. That was the whole reason behind his collecting spree. It all was new and interesting to him. And since it was interesting he was taking it with him. They were all things that he could show his Unky Cotl and ask him about. That had been his intention at least. Of course he could easily lose interest before he ended up coming in contact with his relative. It was something that had happened before and so no doubt it could happen again. After all the young coyote boy could prove to be distracted easily. But for now his mind was set on exploring the house and finding as many interesting things as he could in order to bring back to his family and show off. Things to go and ask his uncle about. Things that his uncle will end up being upset to find left on his bed. But that was the way that it was. They had clashing personalities. They were almost exact opposites. But they were family and so they had to put up with and love each other. Not that his uncle or father showed him that. Only his mother, and siblings at their mother's request, had shown him that they loved him. Of course because of his mother his idea of love was warped.

And there were some that would say Izaak was a nut case and that Inferni was the loony bin. They were all a bunch of mental misfits it seemed. He knew in his family alone they all had their own little quirks and yet they seemed to fit right in with the clan. Or at least they had been accepted despite their strangeness. So whatever the case was at least one part of the assumption was right. Izaak wasn't the prime example of sanity. "Es gibt eine vielzahl von raumen. Du bist in einem raum." Of course he was stating the obvious. But then again Heidi hadn't been clear in just what she was looking for. And well, Izaak was the one to take things literally. So to him finding a room was easy. Anywhere you walked in the mansion was some for of room or another. They all had walls and a roof and floor, that pretty much classified them as rooms. The boy gave a grin since he pretty much figured that he had that problem solved. "Ich bin Izaak. Ich wohne im ersten Stock mit meinem Vater, Onkel und Bruder." He gave his name as well, introducing himself in return. And with the mention of his family the female could take it as a warning that there were more crazies around and that they all lived in this great big house.

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