Bringing Home Blitzen

3+ Table by Sie

When confusion registered upon his face, she couldn't help but exchange the same puzzled look right back to him. Was it because he was foreign, and his English wasn't up to par yet with certain words? Did she say something out of context? She wasn't sure, and for a moment felt strangely awkward all of a sudden. Assisting somebody to which they weren't properly introduced formally (or informally), and it seemed like the language gap looked wider than ever. That wasn't, and shouldn't, be an excuse for her to say screw it and walk away from it. The whole purpose of her return and the reasoning for her scouting during this time was to find something that was a problem or looked out of the ordinary, and to personally begin working on her own self esteem to be more of a giving and empathetic person, to find solutions.

It began to become more apparent that the strange Cotl van Ulrich look-alike (to which Talitha was beginning to assume more and more they were related somehow, she just knew it had to be the case) wanted the albino as a personal possession. Seriously, what was with coyotes, wolves, hybrids suddenly wanting to keep prey items as pretty companions and playthings? Talitha didn't understand. But, the more and more he began referring to it as a baby and how it was supposed to go in "Unky Cotl's bed" (which was a dead giveaway then that this was a relative of the tattoo artist), Talitha couldn't help but smirk at the last part. An albino doe looking baby, snuggling against Cotl in his bed. The image of coddling with an albino doe thing in a bed with some tattoo artist was pretty amusing, and it was then Talitha caught on to what he was saying.

"I get what you're saying now." She responded, giving a little smirk. "No food and no eating it. You want to catch as a pet." Talitha said, stating that she understood what his objective was now. As far as catching the thing without harming it, Talitha thought for a moment how that can be possible. She was currently on four legs, and running at it to scare it to where he can catch in his direction could work. "Lets see. Maybe I can scare it toward you, and you could catch it? Or, I can shift, and I can scare it toward you, catch it, and I can help you keep hold of it to bring it back to Inferni." It seemed a lot more logical than just running after it and scaring it farther away, for if she came from behind it, she can make it run toward him instead of having it run farther away from them. Hopefully he understood her plan of action then.

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