Peaceful minds

WC:354(3 points)

He watched Anann pet her, feeling a sense of pride at how nice the bird was, and saw her produce some food. He smiled and nodded,

Hold your palm flat that way she doesn’t get your fingers

he said, demonstrating, holding his palm out straight and pointed to the highest part of his palm, indicating where she should put the food.

That is what I suspected myself. I do hope that soon Tobias will know I’m his alpha and things would be so much easier just to listen.

He said. He never expected his job to be easy, and as he was one of the few who knew about the birds it was rather hard to get on a good footing, and the fact he was just starting out wasn’t any better. Upon explaining what was written in the book he started to understand now. It was mostly for mentality it seemed.

So I guess that isn’t just for fighting, those are some powerful words.

he said he had remembered her promise to teach him some self defense moves. He knew how to defend himself, but he’d rather be even more prepared, these days of peace were all he could cling to but he didn’t want to be caught with his back turned. Thinking on those words he thought he would have a lot of training to do to even be ready mentally for such a thing, although there was much

Maybe you could teach me something now? That is, if I’m not bothering you. If you want I can teach you something about the birds. You do seem to have a good amount of knowledge already, I think it’s because of the horses. They are much like the birds, but there’s differences of course.

He was glad he had found Anann he was able to get whatever he had off his mind. His excitement for her flight made him forget his prior frustrations with Tobias and Tobias had made him focus on what he was doing so he didn’t get the time to think about all that had happened to him.

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