A million words would not bring you back


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No, I cannot stand I am too weak, it is hard to do much, even speak.

The silver girl nearly screeched, but the words came out a strangled whisper past her burning throat. She didn’t want to stand, nor did she think she could. But even in her wary state she did not miss the discomfort in her pack mate’s position. By now his bandages were soaked through and crimson red with blood. The female pitied him, her lifeless gaze trailing slowly to his face. He was staring at her clearly and she began to pant. Something about the way his gaze looked at her, his face contorted with pain and concern. It reminded her of him.

Ever looked down to her lap, fresh tears streaming down her chin. She took in a shaky breath and ripped a strip of blue fabric from her dirty dress as if out of anger. The shred was as clean and richly blue as she could find.

You are injured, not even I can ignore your pain.

Her voice was gentle, yet still rasped slightly like sand on sea rock. Very gentle, nimble black fingers peeled back the soiled wrappings. She could not identify the damage past the matting of blood but Ever was grateful to find something to occupy her mind. Tears still clung to her cheeks, fresh and translucent, hoping Niro wouldn’t mind her tending. The girl rewrapped the white wolf’s paw with the dress fabric as carefully as she had unwrapped it. Her hands moved mechanically, as if she had done the wrapping a thousand times and it had become a habit. Tearing another shred of cloth, Ever wiped away the tears on her face; something she wasn’t capable of doing until now. Double wrapping her friends gash, the hybrid was slightly pleased to see the fabric held.

The smell of blood was already fading when a strong fall wind washed through the barn and brought the promise of rain, washing away the rest of the strong odor of injury. Ever layed back against the hay stack again, bringing forth a cloud of dust into the air. Her head lolled away from the male, the movement’s of her act already exhausting.

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