Life the bigger picture

Wc:532 (3 Points) OOC: Big Grin

Niro couldn’t help but notice that she kept her distance from the fire, although he decided against asking, since he was already on a touchy subject with her as it was, and he didn’t want her to hide inside a shell. Technically she was, but he wasn’t going to get her out unless he did something to help her. At her protest of Haku tearing him apart, Niro had no doubts about that, but he had some fight in him, no matter how scrawny and terribly boyish he looked. He looked into the fire, seeing things he had not wanted to see, chewing on a cheek before deciding to talk.

I have never told anyone this, but… I have killed a few times before, protecting my sister. I will do it again, for my sister… for the pack… for you.

His words were stern, and confident, even though right now he was laying down, a cripple on the stone floor. He’d still do what it took to protect anyone that was close to him, a friend family, anyone he cared about was under his protection, he wasn’t sure how great that protection would be right now, but that was beside the point. He did not take his eyes off the fire the whole time for saying it. He wasn’t sure she’d see him in the same way. After killing, he learned it was a life changer, and he’d done it six times… Each time his sister had been in trouble, and he knew she needed help, he defended her by taking another’s life. He didn’t think it was entirely wrong, not when it was his sister that was being attacked, he wouldn’t proudly boast it about, although, he had evidence of his kills in plain sight, even though no one ever asked him about them. To them they were just decorations. To him, it was a reminder not to become what he did when he killed those wolves.Her words hit him hard and he looked at her.

I would, who would keep me company in this small cave? I kept it a secret, it’s ours, so if I came here and you weren’t here, well I’d feel very lonely… and my paw is feeling so much better thank you.

he said, a gratitude that he didn’t have to wear the bandage the whole time, and itch because the salt was eating at the wound. Niro did not answer right away on her question, it was not one he should answer to right away neither, he had to think on it, pick the right words, and speak, he couldn’t see why she was being so hard on herself, he took a deep breath, and spoke.

Of course I would, anyone whose been through what you have, being rape, and nearly murdered… it isn’t their fault, it’s the one who did it… It’s wolves like me who do not deserve a mate…

He trailed off, remembering his time with Liliya, and then the drunken night he remembered so little of but had speculations… who’d want a wolf like him for a mate, when he’d go and mate with two females in the same week?

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