There is Life in every breath
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I apologize for the wait, love. Muse is absent these days <3

         The house was rather quiet today. He knew what that meant. In the very start, the young canine had been forced to get accustomed to the obligatory noise that followed children wherever they went. They were all growing up, and for every day that went the house felt a little bit hollower. It was the way of nature, but he would miss the constant sound of laughter and young voices filling the house where he and Alexey once had lived with the majority of the puppies of Dahlia. His mind would have continued onwards to melancholy when thinking of the missing children, but a gentle knock sounded against the door and the Soul male in the living room rose from the couch and went straight ahead to answer it. He welcomed company as most of the day had been spent alone. The children were always busy with their own things and Bris seemed to have matters of her own as well today.

The golden male opened the door and could not instantly mask his surprise as the most peculiarly clothed woman was found on the other side. Conor knew with certainty that he had never laid eyes on her before. Overall this would seem like a grotesque breach of etiquette, but he was not cruel and strict like his father. He knew that it was likely that she had been invited in by another member. What was peculiar was that she was standing alone outside his door. The usual smile soon found his handsome features. She was saving him from boredom, so she was excused for whatever crimes, if she had committed any at all. He doubted she had. ”Well, hello,” soft tones spoke warmly at the stranger with the magnificent kimono. He did not recognize the style, but he guessed well when he took it as if she was far from here.

”Can I help you, Lady?” he then asked, opening the door fully to not seem rude if the stranger was sensitive for such things. White tipped tail waved behind him in good spirits; curious of this strange lady that had arrived on his doorstep.

Table by Requiem

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