What's ADD?
http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9928/lunarut5.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Forgive me, I completely lost muse at the end. @_@
Wc: 382~

The first thing Denali said back to her now struck a chord of confusion in her body, but it was quickly replaced by one of immense respect. Being the ebony girl's sister, Ghita knew now more than ever that Savina was one to act out to react to a cause, and the young pup sitting beside her was one of the first things Ghita could think of. To hear Denali refer to the pack Leader as 'my mommy' only strengthened Ghita's joy for the pup, and her sister - which made Denali her newest nephew. "And she's definitely right - one day, you'll be a great hunter, I know it." Speaking as the pack's courser, the agouti mother could see traces of a brilliant hunter in her temporary charge, and she spoke without laying on any pretenses for the young boy.

But now the small, nagging feeling that wrapped around her heart only strengthened it's grip, and with a sinking heart she listened to Denali's certainty at the state of the world. She was unable to keep her ears from dipping, starting with the tip and wilting underneath the sinking realization the Denali was colour blind. At least he got Savina and Kansas' colours right, but that meant nothing for the rest of the pack. Turning her turquoise eyes that had been reduced to a stormy grey to the pup, she knew that trying to tell a pup this young - and this stubborn - that what he was seeing was wrong. Ghita, in her own youth, had been told several times that what she was doing was wrong, but had resented that information greatly, deciding to proceed with her mistakes anyways. "I see..."

Desperately seeking anything to take her mind off of this less-than-joyous topic, the huntress rose to a squatting position, her damaged leg causing some difficulty. "Do you want to see if we can find another lizard, Denali?" Although she forced some buoyancy into her tone, Ghita's heart simply wasn't in it - if Savina didn't know of Denali's quirk, the fae thought that she'd have to be the one to inform her sister of it. And that wasn't a piece of news that anyone wanted to hear. Although not tragic, it would certainly be a hinderance in life.


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