Hollow and Alone

     Marred and scarred face watched her. There were lines so deep that he had thought that they would be the end of him, and at time he wished it. His body was strong, powerful even with time and the cold of winters and the threats of the canines of these lands. Most scars were just painted lines rather then the furrows that cut him deeply. But he forgot how he had come to look, ignoring that there was a tattered and mangled look to him now. He was a cat, once beautiful and as sleek and graceful as a bird in flight, but he had lost that pleasurable appearance. Though he held to the innate ability to move with water like fluidity. But it was not his scars that made her pause, but the green eyes that held the dull purple that stared back at him.

She seemed to crumble at his words, the pointed audits falling and he could sense the disappointment in her. Sense something inside like he could feel it too, such a thing was long gone from him. Or so he thought. The cat shook off the unknown feeling and listened as she spoke. Why was she upset, he had yet to give her the news of her impending death and she had welcomed the notion of it just moments ago. But the thoughts, the process and the glee that he would gain from it had disappeared and when he returned to search for the ease of bitter feelings he could not find it, taking no pleasure in the anticipation of the wolf’s demise.

Forgotten, but what was worth remembering? Now he wanted to know, something stirring in his chest that reminded him of the organ that beat behind the boned cage. Who was she to bring these feelings to him, as small as they might be, they brought the words forth and where he wished to be powerful he fell to the same softness that she held. He felt weak, unable to stop the bleeding of theses new emotions. Life is so cruel. Remembering is, the tiger paused, finding the word. painful. But they were not new, simply unearthed. No one brought him to this place, a place that had been his demise so long ago.

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