Feed This End

Saluce became serious then but Nayru did not show any hint of concern, the indifferent expression firmly held its place, her eyes empty as they watched the male speak. Had she thought of his lesson? Was she ready to kill? Almost she didn’t want to tell him any of it. She didn’t want to tell him that she had learned to kill, for it seemed a personal matter. And what was so different from a rabbit or deer or another canine? If the fairy could take one life she could just as easily take another, she knew this to be true. And she had enjoyed it. That was the part she didn’t even admit to herself. The complete joy she had experienced at letting the life force out of another breathing creature after so long unable to follow her natural instincts of predator and prey. Part of her longed for more: more chase, more struggle, more blood. And even bigger prey. More meaningful.

Yet she only smiled oddly at him. “Taking a life won’t be a problem.” Her heart lurched but her face remained unreadable, the small odd smile slowly fading and she turned back to the dagger, her fingers constantly fondling the handle and blade. Had she lost part of herself when she had given in and taken a life? How easy it had been, how gratifying. Was she no longer the gentle, loving creature she had been? Or was it different? Truly her loyalty and love for Dahlia and the inhabitants had not faltered, and her kindness still extended out to any canine she came across. There was still good in all of them, but Nayru knew it could be buried, and she also knew now it could be ignored. She was burying and ignoring her own good. Trading it for something more dangerous. More exciting.

“When would you like to start training me?” Her question was easy but not eager, although she was prepared to start then. Cherry eyes met the male’s again, and she offered another smile, friendly this time but a little sad. Saluce didn’t know what he was helping to mold, and Nayru could never bring herself to explain it to him.

table by kahilli

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