duty without pain

The words came but Nayru made no reply aside from a small nod of her head. Why she had given herself up so entirely to Larkspur and his guidance she wasn’t sure, but like a dutiful student she did as she was told without speech. It did not take long to catch a scent and Nayru changed course, her eyes and ears suddenly coming to life. Each sound and flicker of motion was taken in by her senses, examined in seconds and forgotten about when they yielded no help towards tracking the rabbit. The scent became thicker and Nayru suddenly felt clumsy in her optime form. Hunting on four legs would have been easier, but she felt the time had passed and she simply would have to figure it out on two legs rather than four.

It darted out and Nayru was like lightning, following the creature with long strides. So quickly did she move she could have had the rabbit in seconds but something in her held back and let the chase pan out longer than necessary. Easily she came up to it, the frightened creature fleeing before her as she kept pace behind it and pricked her ears for the voice of Larkspur. What could he possible say to convince her to kill? She could still quit, still let it go and just leave. Yet knowing his eyes followed her, judged her forced her to bend down, ready to scoop up the poor animal. She had it.


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